Ed White


Years with BR+A
33 years

"My favorite part about working at BR+A is the extraordinary people and the types of projects we focus on. Collaborating with a talented group of engineers on projects that impact people’s lives in healthcare and research makes everything worthwhile."

Tell me about yourself.

My name is Edwin C. White Jr., and I was born in Brooklyn, NY along with my brother Marlon White, a Plumbing/ FP Engineer. I have three sons aged 33, 29 and 25 with my wife of 37 years, LaVerne White. I received my Engineering degree from Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, Massachusetts, and started my engineering career as a Co-op, where I gained valuable real-life experience. I began working for BR+A 33 years ago and have been in the industry for over 40 years. I started in BR+A’s Boston Office in 1991, and in 2000, I relocated to the New York office where I presently work on a variety of large health care, laboratory, and institutional projects. I currently reside in Princeton, NJ, and enjoy golfing, gardening, and traveling.


What does your typical day look like?

As an Associate Principal with the company and the main contact for electrical projects in the NYC office, my day comprises of multiple tasks. I start my day reviewing my meetings and Teams calls. Then, I meet with electrical engineers for power issues and collaborate with electrical designers and advise them on any issues. We review power risers, calculations, and floor plans. I respond to RFI’s and review submittals of major electrical components, such as switchgear, generators, and electrical distribution equipment. There are days when I am not in the office and am traveling to project sites, meeting with clients and contractors, or looking for marketing opportunities for new projects.


What brought you to BR+A?

With the news that my first child was on the way, I began looking for a company that I could build on my previous experience in CADD/engineering and offered an increase in salary. A colleague from a previous company told me about an exciting company that was expanding and could use my talent, which turned out to be BR+A Consulting Engineers. I interviewed with Arjun Rao (The ‘R” in BR+A), and the interview turned into a conversation where his vision and compassion for excellence in engineering really inspired me. We also spoke about life as minorities in the industry. That conversation led me to receive and accept a job offer, which turned out to be my greatest career decision!


What’s your story?

Growing up in Brooklyn, NY during the early 1960’s, the world was quite different and becoming an engineer was the furthest thing from my mind. To provide a better quality of life for our family, my father, a postal worker, and mother, a file clerk, bought a house in New Jersey. I attended Perth Amboy High School where I excelled at math and science and played Varsity football, bowling, and track and field. It was during this time that I realized my passion for problem solving and gained an interest in computer science. During one semester, I had a co-op position at an engineering firm, which then lead me to explore and pursue a career in engineering.

What’s your favorite part about working here?

My favorite part about working at BR+A is the extraordinary people and the types of projects we focus on. Collaborating with a talented group of engineers on projects that impact people’s lives in healthcare and research makes everything worthwhile. It gives me great pride sharing how each of the projects I have been involved with can change lives. The clients that we work with respect the value and expertise that BR+A brings to a project.

Who is your role model and why?

My role model is my father Edwin White Sr, a person with integrity, family values, and exemplary characteristics. He worked two jobs to provide for my brother and I. He moved our family out of the housing projects of Brooklyn and relocated to New Jersey. My father was always present at my football games and other school activities and always offered his full support. My father and mother were instrumental in helping my wife and I when we relocated our family back to New Jersey. My dad stepped in with my mother and helped us take care of our three sons so we could continue to pursue our careers. My Dad’s motto - one that he would say to me often and I still live by -- was “Actions speak louder than words. Say what you are going to do and stick with it. Always be accountable for your actions.”

What’s your superpower?

I like to think my superpower is my ability to communicate with Architects, Owners and Contractors in a manner that provides a cohesive environment. Getting everyone on the same page can be challenging, but I pride myself on being able to bring everyone to the table.

Tell me something about yourself that I wouldn’t know from reading your resume.

I am an electrical engineer designing power distribution, but I am also an accomplished Lighting Designer. I still find lighting design very interesting, especially all of the new technology with LED and controls. I pride myself in keeping up with the industry trends. Lighting is what the average person sees, not the infrastructure in the closets, behind the walls and in the ceilings.

How do you determine priorities when you have multiple deadlines approaching?

In our line of work, multiple deadlines are normal. Using my experience and the confidence that there is for help from others, I embrace the ONE BR+A idea. Help is a phone call away. All projects at BR+A are important, and our clients hire us to complete them in a timely manner.

What inspires you?

I am inspired by passing along my knowledge to the next generation of engineers. I want to pay it forward as it was passed down to me. There have been many engineers in my career who have taken the time to encourage me and provide the foundation for my approach to engineering.

What is the greatest lesson you learned in your career so far?

The greatest lesson I have learned in my career is that if you make a mistake, own up to it. Do not run or hide from the problem. Work to solve the problem and learn from it so that it doesn’t happen again. 

Has there been a person in your career who has really made a difference?

The person that has made a difference in my career is Michael Fahey, who is the current Managing Principal of the New York City office. Our friendship and work relationship go back over 40 years, and we have worked on a number of complex projects for a host of clients. Mike has always been a great supporter and advocate of my career at BR+A. Mike has been there when I needed someone to review my designs, calculations and provide a quality control check. As the late Arjun Rao once told us; “Don’t be a Hero in your design.” Every project should have a second set of eyes on it.